High Blood Pressure Hospitalizations County, 2018-20

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This layer displays the rate hospitalization for patients with an initial hospital admission for hypertension (high blood pressure). Data are reported at the county level for the 2018-20 three-year period. Data are obtained from the Centers for Disease Control and … Continued

Coronary Heart Disease Hospitalizations County, 2018-20

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This layer displays the rate hospitalization for patients with an initial hospital admission for coronary heart disease. Data are reported at the county level for the 2018-20 three-year period. Data are obtained from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention … Continued

Stroke Hospitalizations by County, 2018-20

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This layer displays the rate hospitalization for patients with an initial hospital admission for ischemic stroke. Data are reported at the county level for the 2018-20 three-year period. Data are obtained from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) … Continued

Ischemic Heart Disease Hospitalizations County, 2018-20

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This layer displays the rate hospitalization for patients with an initial hospital admission for ischemic heart disease. Data are reported at the county level for the 2018-20 three-year period. Data are obtained from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention … Continued

Heart Attack Hospitalizations by County, 2018-20

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This layer displays the rate hospitalization for patients with an initial hospital admission for heart attack. Data are reported at the county level for the 2018-20 three-year period. Data are obtained from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) … Continued

Heart Disease Hospitalizations by County, 2018-20

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This layer displays the rate hospitalization for patients with an initial hospital admission for coronary heart disease. Data are reported at the county level for the 2018-20 three-year period. Data are obtained from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention … Continued

Diabetes Prevalence by County, 2018

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This updated layer displays the estimated percentage of adults with diagnosed diabetes by county. These figures are multi-year modelled estimates based on survey data from the CDC Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System.

Diabetes Incidence by County, 2018

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This updated layer displays the estimated rate per 1000 population with newly diagnosed diabetes by county. These figures are multi-year modelled estimates based on survey data from the CDC Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System.

Adult Obesity by County, 2018

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This updated layer displays the estimated percentage of adults who are in obese by county. These figures are multi-year modelled estimates based on survey data from the CDC Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System.

Adults with no Leisure-Time Physical Activity by County, 2019

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This updated layer displays the estimated percentage of adults who do not participate in any leisure-time physical activity by county. These figures are multi-year modelled estimates based on survey data from the CDC Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System.