Proportion of AMI Needed to Afford Housing, 2021

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This map layer displays the percentage of income as of the annual Area Median Income (AMI) to afford a rental house unit with 1, 2, or 4 bedrooms. The data is obtained from the National Low Income Housing Coalition (NLIHC) … Continued

Work Hours at Avg. Wage Needed to Afford Housing, 2021

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This map layer displays weekly work hours at average wage needed to afford a house unit with 1, 2, or 4 bedrooms. The data is obtained from the National Low Income Housing Coalition (NLIHC) Out of Reach (OOR) 2021 dataset.

Work Hours at Minimum Wage Needed to Afford Housing, 2021

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This map layer displays weekly work hours at minimum wage needed to afford a house unit with 1, 2, or 4 bedrooms. The data is obtained from the National Low Income Housing Coalition (NLIHC) Out of Reach (OOR) 2021 dataset.

Hourly Wage Needed to Afford Housing, 2021

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This map layer displays hourly wage needed to afford fair market rent (FMR) housing with 1, 2, or 4 bedrooms. The data is obtained from the National Low Income Housing Coalition (NLIHC) Out of Reach (OOR) 2021 dataset. 2016 to … Continued

Population Living in Group Quarters

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This layer displays percent change in resident population for the 50 states, the Discrict of Columbia and Puerto Rico from 2010 to 2020. This data was released as part of the decennial census in April 2020. For more information visis … Continued

Residential Vacancies – 2021 Q4

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This layer displays residential vacancy rates and total residential vacancies in census tracts across the United States. Vacancy rates are reported quarterly.

New Residential Constructions Permits

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Layers display information about the number of permits issued for residential building construction in 2012. Additional data analysis by CARES includes the rate of permit issuance per 10,000 households (by county), and rate change over several time periods.

Home Loan Originations by Applicant Race/Ethnicity

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Layers display data from the 2012 Home Mortgage Disclosure Act flat files. Data is available for all counties and census tracts in the United States and depicts the total number and percentage of home loan originations by primary applicant race … Continued

Multi-Family Building Permits by County, 2015

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This layer displays information about new multi-family, residential building permits issued in counties across the United States in 2015. Data are from the US Census Bureau’s Residential Building Permits Survey and accessed via the US Department of Housing and Urban … Continued

Multi-Family Assisted Housing

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Layer displays the approximate locations of Multifamily Assisted Housing properties that are monitored by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The three largest assistance programs for Multifamily housing are Section 8 (Project Based Assistance), Section 202 (Supportive … Continued