Voter Turnout

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This layer displays the percentage of citizen population aged 18 or older who voted in the 2020 U.S. Presidential election. The 2024 County Health Rankings used data from MIT Election Data and Science Lab 2020 and American Community Survey, 5-year … Continued

Data from the 2024 County Health Rankings are here!

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Data and maps from the 2024 County Health Rankings are now availble! Click the map icon to view the national z-scores and underlying data for Premature Death, or search for additional updates by searching the Map Room for the term … Continued

School Funding Adequacy

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This layer displays the average gap in dollars between actual and required spending per pupil among public school districts. Required spending is an estimate of dollars needed to achieve U.S. average test scores in each district.

Gender Pay Gap

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This layer displays the ratio of women’s median earnings to men’s median earnings for all full-time, year-round workers, presented as “cents on the dollar.”

Chilcare Centers

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This layer displays the number of childcare centers per 1,000 population under 5 years old.

School Segregation Index

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This layer displays the extent to which students within different race and ethnicity groups are unevenly distributed across schools when compared with the racial and ethnic composition of the local population. The index ranges from 0 to 1 with lower … Continued